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Virtual Data Room Cost

Virtual data room costs can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per month, based on the provider. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the capabilities of various vendors before choosing one. It is important to also consider the specific needs of your project. Choosing a vendor that offers the right level of security and performance to meet your specific requirements will ensure the success of your deal.

Traditionally, physical M&A due diligence rooms were charged for their services depending on the number pages of the deal. As paper documents shifted to digital files, these pricing structures moved along with them and are still used today by a handful of VDR service providers.

Certain pricing models for data room services are fixed, whereas others charge per user or per page. The quantity of files uploaded by a company to its data room will affect the size of its storage space and, in turn, the price of using a provider’s platform. Typically, providers using this type of structure will offer various packages that have an arbitrary number of GBs to offer customers flexibility in selecting the amount of storage capacity they require.

Some providers charge a set cost based on the number administrators and guests be able to access the virtual data room. This pricing structure is often more expensive than the per-user or per-page pricing. It is simpler and easier to understand for businesses than other options.

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