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Computer Technologies News

Computer technologies news articles showcase groundbreaking research in areas like Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Graphene, Green Tech, Battery Tech and many more. Discover the latest developments in computer technology from MIT, Cal Tech, Yale and other renowned institutions.

Self-Correcting Quantum Computers are closer to Reality

Quantum computers promise to reach speeds and efficiency far beyond the capabilities of the most powerful supercomputers. However, the technology has not seen a lot of commercialization or scaling due to its difficulties with error correction. Scientists have devised a method to solve this issue.

In a society that is increasingly digital, lags can be a major problem. Lag-induced disruptions are frustrating for everyone, whether an avid video gamer battling against opponents in a virtual arena, or someone who is collaborating with colleagues from around the world. Researchers at MIT and Stanford have developed a new technique to reduce lags while increasing productivity.

AI Finds Hidden Patterns in Nature

Researchers are using data from thousands of bird sightings to find hidden patterns in ecological communities. This research could be the first step toward developing artificial intelligence that can predict habitat loss and other environmental issues. This technology will allow scientists to better understand the role played by biodiversity in maintaining ecosystems. This is a crucial part of the effort to save the world from the effects of climate change and loss of biodiversity. The research could pave to more sustainable land-use practices that lessen the necessity for logging or agriculture.

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