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Antivirus Performance Comparison

Antivirus performance comparison

All computer users should consider installing a third-party antivirus software. These tools can help identify and remove malware from your PC and can also block malicious websites that may attempt to take over or corrupt the user’s data. However they can also significantly slow down a computer’s speed as well as performance when running an examination or updating their database of infected files. This article looks at the performance of different antivirus software in tests that are designed to determine the extent to which they slow down the speed of a computer and its performance when compared with other similar programs.

The independent AV Comparisons lab runs various tests to evaluate the security software products. The tests test security in real-world situations and the detection of a virus (classical testing) and the performance. Each test type is run repeatedly over the course of a year and upon the basis of these results, AV-Comparatives issues Gold, Silver and Bronze awards to security solutions.

This particular test was inspired by a real-life situation for a customer. Many customers employ complex PowerShell scripts to dump data from one file system to another, and these processes can take several hours or even days to complete. These scripts are run on high-performance hardware, so we wanted to see how long the antivirus scanner would impact this and how the tools utilized the resources available on each machine.

Avira Prime performed well in AV Comparatives tests. It offered 99% protection against mac malware, PUAs and Windows Malware. However it requires a subscription for full functionality, and its advertising messages can be a bit annoying.

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