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The Role of Nonprofit Board Members

Nonprofit board members play a crucial role in the success and growth of your organisation. They help establish the strategy and direction, make sure that the availability of resources and oversee the operation. They are responsible for ensuring the organization is legally and ethically managed, and adheres to the organization’s mission.

Ideally, your nonprofit board should consist of people who are passionate about your cause and possess the appropriate connections and expertise. It is generally easier to find board members within your network. But, if you don’t have the expertise in-house, look for candidates on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and volunteer recruitment websites.

The core responsibilities of your board include governance, policy, fundraising, and oversight of the Executive Director/CEO. Depending on the size of your non-profit, you may also have committees on your board that are responsible for specific activities or projects. For example, your finance committee might focus on budgets and your legal committee could handle insurance policies.

It is essential to remember that your board has a primary obligation to raise funds to ensure that the programs and services provided will continue. To fulfill this duty, the board must be able to see the bigger picture. They must also be able to make strategic decisions about how to proceed. A network of many members will help your board achieve this.

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