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How to Configure Avast Web Shield

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Avast web shield continuously tests the information that is transferred when you browse the web and stops any infections that could be a threat in real-time. It guards against ransomware which locks your files and demands a payment to unlock them as well as Trojans, which masquerade as legitimate software but inject malware into your device. Web shield also identifies phishing websites which attempt to steal your personal information.

Avira provides multiple settings to modify the way avast web shield operates. For example, you can change the degree of sensitivity, which controls how avast Web Shield scans data that is transferred when you connect to the internet. You can also enable or disable HTTPS scanning as well as script scanning, and block botnets. You can also make a list of exclusions to prevent certain applications from being detected by web shield.

If avast discovers malware or an unwelcome program on your computer, it will attempt to repair the file first. If the file cannot be repaired it will be transferred to Quarantine. You will also receive a notification. You can also choose an action for avast to take if a virus is detected.

You can add a website or application that you know is safe to the exceptions so it won’t be blocked again. You can do this by clicking on the Real-Time Shields Tab and then selecting the Web Shield (or File Shield) option from the list. The method for adding a website or app to the list of exceptions is slightly different for the Avast Security and Avast One apps.

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