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Ergonomics in the workplace

Inactivity is the fourth leading cause of mortality, according to WHO. You can increase your opportunities for activity by using a sit-stand desk. This will shake you out of sedentary postures, boost your blood and oxygen flow, activate your muscles and contribute to your overall physical activity levels. This has all been proven to keep you healthier, happier and more productive. Giving people suitable and well-designed furniture and equipment is only part of the story. Employees must be provided with information and training – information on the possible risks of not setting up and using the furniture and equipment correctly; and training on what constitutes that correct set-up and use. Setting it up for them is all very well but, when they come back off holiday to find that someone has used (and re-adjusted) their chair, will they know how to put it right?

  • Research suggests that on average, most people will spend around 13 years of life at work.
  • If you need more help designing your ergonomic office, we can help you find the right ergonomic office desks and ergonomic chairs in the UK.
  • Being aware of and understanding the importance of changing the posture and position of the body can help improve our well-being.
  • To improve the airflow in your office, you should invest in a quality air-conditioning unit.

The survey found that women are also struggling more than men with these emotional impacts. With women more likely to have a workspace that is not ergonomically sound, it is perhaps unsurprising that a higher proportion are experiencing pain in all of these areas. To prevent headaches and computer vision syndrome, you should ensure you adjust your monitor so that its brightness is approximately equal to the area behind it. If you find yourself experiencing computer vision frequently, it may be time to adjust your computer screen brightness. Blurred vision is commonly caused by looking at a screen that is too bright or sitting too close to a monitor. It can also be caused by looking at a screen for long without adequate breaks.

What is poor workplace ergonomics, associated risks and common injuries?

More than eight of 10 home workers (85%) say that some of the measures being taken by brands to support staff with home working would make them more likely to want to work for that company. Employers have had a tough time trying to adapt their services and systems to meet the unique set of circumstances created by the coronavirus outbreak. This report provides a snapshot of the make-up of UK home-working under the shadow of Covid-19, revealing the potential health and business impacts and exploring what can be done to protect health at this challenging time. With the current COVID 19 pandemic, many of us are now working from home and unable to go into our offices. When working from home, it can be hard to know the best position to work in and the right equipment placement. Our Active Electric Sit Stand Workstation instantly converts any desk into a sit-stand workstation.

importance of good ergonomics when working from home

Encouraging your office workers to take regular breaks away from their desks is important. Sitting in one place for too long can lead to pains, as well as increasing the chance of burnout. Try to encourage staff to step away from their desks periodically, whether it’s to make a drink or just stretch their legs, as well as ensuring that everyone takes time away from their screen to enjoy lunch without thinking about work. Your staff spend a big part of their life in the office, so it’s important to make sure that when they come to work, they’re as happy and comfortable as possible. After all, when people are in a workspace that meets their needs, they’re likely to be more productive. On the other hand, if people are uncomfortable at work, not only will it impact on their output, but it can also lead to unnecessary stress on the body, resulting in aches and pains – not to mention fatigue and frustration.

Stress and mental health

To recreate that desktop computer experience, connect your laptop to one, two, or even three monitors to expand your workspace, multitask like a pro and improve the speed and accuracy of your work. Mount your screens on adjustable monitor arms so you can instantly tweak them to a comfortable position. Our laptops liberate us from the confines of our desks but they also introduce health and wellbeing risks of their own. You can reduce these risks, and stay comfortable and productive, by finding the correct posture for laptop use, and forming healthy habits. The British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that 10 minutes of movement is all it takes to increase mental focus. Provision of high-quality solutions which improve comfort, productivity and wellbeing daily, will benefit the entire organisation.

What is the purpose of ergonomics in the workplace?

What is Ergonomics? Ergonomics can roughly be defined as the study of people in their working environment. More specifically, an ergonomist (pronounced like economist) designs or modifies the work to fit the worker, not the other way around. The goal is to eliminate discomfort and risk of injury due to work.

Workers who aren’t sitting comfortably are more likely to find themselves constantly shifting around and their attention focused on their discomfort rather than on their work. Laptops may be called lap-tops but using them on your lap for long stints isn’t something we’d advise.

What Do You Need to Meet the Highest Standards of Business Correspondence?

Secondly, if you need to add artificial light by using a table lamp I recommend using daylight bulbs for your home office. These light bulbs will help you have more natural colors on your monitor and are healthier for the eyes as well. Book in for an eye test with an optician to ensure optimum eye health. From adjustable chairs offering optimum lumbar support to tables that can be converted from sitting desks to standing desks; there’s a multitude of ways for businesses to improve ergonomics in the workplace. The research shows that this situation is worse for women than for men. Six in 10 women (59%) have no access to an office desk, compared to only four in 10 men (42%).

Ergonomic design is human-centred and matches functionality with form and ease of use but also enjoyment and pleasure. Wherever you work, your environment should support you to do so happily and healthily. Every one of us comes in different shapes and sizes, with different likes and preferences.

The Importance of Good Ergonomics When Working From Home

If so, then as an employer you are responsible for employees’ health, safety and welfare, including when working from home. This would involve Remote Work Ergonomics Tips to Use carrying out a workstation assessment and providing employees with appropriate equipment, furniture and advice on control measures.

If you are able to, we strongly recommend an external monitor and keyboard if you normally work with a laptop. Laptops are super versatile, but aren’t ideal for consistent use for 7-8 hours a day. By keeping your cables tidy, you can reduce the risk of catching them and accidentally dragging your monitor or other hardware off of the desk. If you are unable to adjust your desk or get a new one, this is also fine; you can remedy any height issues by placing your monitor or other hardware on homemade platforms to elevate them to the correct height. Dedicated to helping you thrive when you work from home, The Homeworker publishes articles that are designed to keep you healthy, happy, and more productive in work and life. Use an anti-glare screen protector to protect your eyes and prevent eye strain. At the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, many thousands of employees across the country were offered work-from-home arrangements, and the UK Government advice was to work remotely wherever possible.

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