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System Errors and How to Fix Them

System errors are messages that tell that something is wrong visit this page with the computer’s hardware or software. Many times they come with an explanation that can help you fix the problem. Not all error codes are created equal. Some error codes can be difficult to understand and aren’t particularly useful. If you get an error message that says « filename too long » It means that the file’s name or extension might be too large for the system to handle. In this situation cutting down on the length of your filename or the space available on your hard drive could solve the issue.

Other error codes could indicate that the system was unable access a hard drive device or use a file that was not present. These errors will usually result in your system stopping and you’ll see an unreadable blue screen and system error message if this occurs. (

Some older systems require that information conform to strict formats and can throw an error if there’s even the slightest deviation. Modern systems, on the other hand, are more flexible and accommodating of data that does not meet the format that is required.

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Ensemble contre la peine de mort (Together Against the Death Penalty)
62bis Avenue Parmentier
75011 Paris

Tel: + (33) 1 57 63 03 57

Fax: + (33) 1 80 87 70 46



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