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Recovery Quotes: 20 Best Sobriety Quotes

I eventually found my way and found a program that worked well for me. And I realized that yes, this was because I worked it and put forth the effort to heal and be a better version of myself. If I had failed to do any work in a program, I likely would not have stayed sober as long as I have. Even today, at three and a half years of sobriety, I often remind myself of the affirmations that accompanied my daily life in the first year of my sobriety. The following are some of the daily affirmations that stand out the most to me, and that are applicable in day-to-day life, not just sobriety. That’s all drugs and alcohol do, they cut off your emotions in the end.

What do you say to a recovering addict?

Say, “I love you. How can I help you in your recovery?” Remind them often that you are willing to be their recovery support. Remind them that they're valued, they can do this, and they're not alone.

Wise words….The only way through a difficult time if we are to stay clean and sober is to go through it. Thankfully, you never have to meet any challenge alone with our help and support. Addiction is an invisible illness that drives us to complete self-annihilation.

You’ve already survived 100 percent of your worst days.

Read, share, and be inspired by these beautiful sober anniversary quotes. Here’s to living a great life free of substance abuse & its underlying mental health pains. Sharing sobriety quotes during recovery from addiction can sobriety sayings provide much-needed encouragement to keep progressing each day sober. Celebrating sobriety anniversary quotes is a great inspiration. This is another one of those inspirational sobriety quotes that hits me so, so hard.

sobriety sayings

Americans have a complicated relationship with sobriety. Nearly 90 percent of American adults say they drank alcohol at some time in their lives, with 55 percent saying they had a drink in the past month. More than one-quarter met the criteria for binge drinking in the past month, according to data from the National Institutes of Health.

Sobriety is a journey, not a destination.

It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. These and other addiction recovery quotes are a great way to facilitate the process of early recovery. When paired with the support of drug and alcohol recovery centers, your chance for long-term recovery is higher and your future is bright!

What do you text someone in recovery?

  • Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • Feel better soon!
  • Sending lots of love and hugs your way.
  • You're in my thoughts.
  • Take extra good care of yourself.
  • I miss having you around.
  • You'll be feeling healthy and strong again soon!
  • Praying for an easy recovery.

Some sayings and slogans are short…only a few words, not even a sentence. Others are full quotes by respected people throughout history. We chose to list the short ones because they tend to keep things simple, and simple can be very effective. Below is a list of 42 slogans for people in recovery.

Other Addiction Recovery Quotes

Happiness is different than fun and while alcohol can help you have fun in the moment, it doesn’t lead to long-term happiness and joy. Recovery presents its own challenge, mostly because there is no obvious finish line. ‘” Dr. Heinzerling says, adding that it requires a lot of small choices every day that add up for the rest of your life.

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