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Ecommerce Design Mistakes to Avoid

Online shoppers are spoiled for choices, so it is crucial to make their shopping experience as simple and smooth as you can. Customers who experience a dissatisfying and confusing shopping experience might abandon their carts and write negative reviews that could convince others to stay away from the store.

These ecommerce design errors can cause serious damage to your sales. Many of these mistakes are easily avoidable with the right amount of planning.

Using Low-Quality Images

Everyone doesn’t want to purchase an item that’s not presented in the best light. This is why it’s essential to use high-quality images on your online store. Poor quality images won’t just turn off customers, but will also harm the image you could try this out of your brand.

Not Offering a Guest Checkout option

Not offering an option for guests to checkout is another common mistake that can discourage potential buyers from purchasing items on your website. A lot of customers are uneasy when asked to sign up for an account, particularly if they have to enter certain personal information such as their email address. Instead, you should let your customers to sign up using their social media accounts to speed up the process and lessen their privacy concerns.

Finally, another big ecommerce design mistake is having a messy and unorganized menu structure. It is crucial to figure out how each page will look on your site to ensure that navigation is simple and simple. Make sure that every page is organised according to the type of content it holds and make it easy for users to locate the items they are searching for.

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Ensemble contre la peine de mort (Together Against the Death Penalty)
62bis Avenue Parmentier
75011 Paris

Tel: + (33) 1 57 63 03 57

Fax: + (33) 1 80 87 70 46



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