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Avast Antivirus Review

Avast antivirus has a complete set of features packed into a compact package. In my testing, its malware engine received a perfect score. Its web security was also effective in catching phishing websites that slipped past Chrome’s and Firefox’s default detector systems. The performance scanner performed admirably in keeping its impact on system speed to a bare minimum. Avast’s performance scanning was more effective than any other software in reducing CPU usage.

Apart from the malware protection and performance scan, Avast offers a host of other tools. Avast One is the only one that provides an VPN, an image vault, and a tool to monitor data breaches. Its security toolkit is very extensive, including a sandbox to run applications in, as well as a router security scanner to identify any vulnerabilities.

Avast offers a full support site with a knowledge base in case you run into problems. The search function makes finding the answers to frequently asked questions easy. If you can’t find the answer, Avast’s forums is a great resource to seek help from other users.

Although Avast claims that it no-longer sells user information but its past history of doing this is fresh in the minds of a lot of users. PCMag and Motherboard reported in January 2020 that Avast had sold personal information as well as location data of its customers through its Jumpshot subsidiary. Avast has ended this practice and is now asking users to opt-in when they download new installs of its desktop AV software. In its privacy policies Avast explains that all consumer data is « stripped off and de-identified before being shared with a third party. »

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